Friday, November 19, 2010

Marker Without Outline

Marker Without Outline跟Marker Outline 有所不同。Marker Without Outline 画的画比较逼真。
以下是我的assigment 其中的几张拿出来享


Marker Visual - Color Outline

Markers Concept Drawing - Markers are some of the most popular markers in the world, used by everyone from beginning students in elementary art classes to professional artists. Markers produce rich ink with a smooth flow for easy coloring and definition. Markers from Markers came in a few
shapes and many colors for optimal control over your work of art . The correct markers, combined with a little practice and a few different techniques, result in high-quality art with vibrant color and sharp,crisp details. Above is my assigmnet

Type Specimen Poster

这个sesm. Graphic design 的final assigment - Type Specimen Poster. 整个poster 用同款的字体所排版成的。虽然排版给人闷的感觉可是在平面设计里很重要。我选了Lubalin Graltc 的字体。创造者是Herb. Lubalin 与1974 年。


Saturday, October 2, 2010


Graphic Design 1 的其中一个 assigment “Type as Image". 利用image把它 排成字体。 然后就想起了邮票。小时候的爱好是收集邮票。上了中学后就没再收集了。现在找回出来看看又喜欢上了。喜欢邮票的原因是因为邮票可看历史性的人物,建筑物和没看过的图片还有邮票的色彩。在photoshop也制造了自己喜欢的照片邮票和首日封


T- shirt

简单制造自己喜爱的T-shirt。在photoshop里只要把喜爱的照片放在一件白T -shirt上然后layer 里的normal 换成multiply就可以了。Multiply 的意思是层叠。照片层叠在衣服上。


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Typographic Portrait in Photoshop

在一个Tutorial 里学会了在Photoshop做Typograghic Portrait. 大约花了蛮长的时间研究才完成的。完成后的感觉自己又学会了另外一个design 的technique.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Type as Image

Amazing of Type of Image !

字体的大小和不同的字体类型混合在一起能做出难以置信的画。以下的照片是research from

Type Faces - Typographic portraits

Type Faces - Typographic portraits

Type Faces - Typographic portraits

Type Faces - Typographic portraits

Type Faces - Typographic portraits

Type Faces - Typographic portraits